Grettings Regular Joes!

I’m pleased to share with you a message from our friends over at regarding a really revolutionary precious metals IRA. Rather than the hassle of jumping through the hoops to establish a precious metals position in your IRA, HAA has developed the SmartMetals IRA, providing a means to place metals into your IRA with just a mouse click. Check it out!

Kind regards,
Another Joe


Dear Reader,

My friend and colleague Ed D’Agostino at the Hard Assets Alliance recently informed us that after months of hard work, they are ready to unveil a timely and exciting new offering that I felt you would want to know about…

The world’s first fully integrated precious-metals IRA program.

Not only were we one of the first to know, but I was invited to help write some of the material to help introduce and promote what we’re convinced is the best precious metals IRA available. You can view the landing page that I helped write here, which explains the product in significant detail. We also duplicated it on our WWPMX site.

We’re not just pumping this up. It really is revolutionary. All of the reasons you choose to hold precious metals apply to your retirement holdings. Now you can diversify your retirement into precious metals with the same safety and security offered by the Hard Assets Alliance’s SmartMetals™ account.

Because the SmartMetals IRA is fully integrated, they’ve been able to simplify the often-difficult process of opening, funding, and purchasing metals for your IRA into a few simple steps. This is what makes this IRA stand above all others.

We’ll follow this message with another one that includes Ed’s introductory letter. However, we wanted to add this personal note beforehand. If you’re ready to open a SmartMetals IRA today, you can follow this link.

Kind regards,
J. Keith Johnson

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