Hard Assets Alliance

Generally speaking, the challenges for the average investor to manage his bullion holdings can be daunting. The choices are basically to buy and take delivery, paying what is usually a fairly significant spread, or pay someone to hold it in a vault. But to do so, the investor has to shop around, trying to find the best price, most secure storage, more reasonable shipping, etc. And with the spreads prevalent in the markets, moving in and out of metals is cost prohibitive unless there are major swings.

With these challenges in mind, we’ve been seeking and investigating options that might overcome these obstacles, offering the investor unparalleled opportunity in bullion investments. When we ran into HAA we knew we’d found the answer. Joining was a no-brainer. And we hope that you’ll agree that what we have here is truly a game changer in precious metals investment options.

Here are some of the advantages of this innovative program.

  • A proven platform that uses the latest in ultra-efficient secure technologies to allow you to buy, hold and sell LBMA registered precious metals bars (gold, silver, platinum, palladium) and sovereign coins as quickly and easily as you might order a book on Amazon.
  • Metals purchases either shipped directly to you or stored at a very reasonable cost in a fully insured facility in Switzerland, London, Australia, New York or Salt Lake City (and eventually Singapore).
  • Storage facilities that are independent from any banks or fi nancial institutions, but are owned by the world’s most-respected names in secure storage, with the metals holdings audited quarterly by a Big Four accounting firm and fully insured based on the prevailing market value of the metals.
  • Up to a dozen approved wholesalers competing with each other in bidding for each order you place, assuring the very best price when buying or selling. Per above, the powerful technology deployed ensures the bidding process is seamless and takes mere seconds.
  • The same fully vetted platform that is now in use by large hedge funds and global financial institutions who use it for high-net-worth clients. By combining forces, the Hard Assets Alliance is able to offer full access to its members.
  • Thanks to the efficiencies of the model and the technologies and the combined power of the Alliance members, total buy/sell commissions and storage costs are among the lowest available.

When we read this, coupled with the Alliance’s one overarching goal, we though, “These guys think like us. They’re worried about the customer’s ability to manage their own wealth more efficiently.” Here’s the goal as they spelled it out.

To provide our members’ clients with a better way to buy, sell and own gold, silver and other precious metals. Transactions can be made online 24/7 from anywhere in the world and include as a standard option the storage of purchased metals in New York, Salt Lake City, Australia, London or Zurich (and eventually Singapore).

The answer that HAA came up with is a new program called SmartMetals™.


This is it, the answer to so many of the hurdles that make precious metals investing a challenge. We’re sure you’ll agree.

Investor Kit

The Precious Metals Investor Kit will help you determine the right precious metals strategy for your own unique situation – whether or not you decide that the Hard Assets Alliance is the right solution for you.

HAA Members

You can often judge a man by his friends. In this case, you’ll be pleased with the lineup that’s been accepted by HAA.

What People are Saying

Don’t just take our word for it. SmartMetals™ has people talking. Check out what they have to say.


We’ve tried to cover all the basis on the above pages. But, just in case, here are some more answers to questions we might have missed.

via Worldwide Precious Metals Exchange | Hard Assets Alliance.

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