By David Galland, The Casey Report

Unblinking faith in an all-caring, omnipotent “Godvernment” is terrifyingly misplaced: it not only runs contrary to many irrefutable truths but to nearly every important lesson history has to teach.

“While I haven’t made a scientific study of the topic, I suspect the leading genre for popular entertainment – and for popular delusions of crowds, for that matter – revolves around magical worlds. As illustration, the Harry Potter series will serve.

The problem is that there is no such thing as magic, at least not in the mystical sense (versus sleight-of-hand variety). Rather, the physical world, and even the metaphysical world constructed by humans in their ancient and long-running quest for protection from the physical world, operates within the boundaries of certain irrefutable truths.

In the first instance, the laws of physics are only rarely found wanting; in the second, basic principles of economies are inviolate, or should be if you actually want an economy to succeed for any length of time.” READ MORE… 

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