Greetings Regular Joes,

This has been an ugly election. Both men spent more time slinging mud and then defending themselves than really making a point to clearly define what they stood for. Both are politicians. We need a statesman.

This takes the cake though. Men who’ve pledged their lives to defend the country, then are used as tools to control affairs around the world, often very unjustly, are being denied the basic rights for which this country has stood for over two centuries.

Frankly, if the pentagon didn’t get them their ballots in time, then they should get the soldiers home in time. And if they can’t do that, then the incumbent has shown his irresponsibility and should be ousted for neglect of duty. Let someone else run in his stead; someone who actually cares about the constitutional rights of the citizenry (subjects?).

Kind regards,
Another Joe


by Awr Hawkins

Just one day before Americas presidential election, it became evident that the Pentagon has dropped the ball and thousands of military voters will not receive ballots in time to participate in the election.In other words — thousands of the troops who fight to keep us free will be rewarded for their service by being disenfranchised. I noted last month it was already apparent Pentagon red tape was making it extremely difficult for our deployed troops to register to vote in the first place. Even then, the Military Voter Protection Project MVPP claimed “bureaucratic inertia” within the Pentagon threatened to effectively disenfranchise thousands upon thousands of military voters. It now appears the MVPPs fear has been realized, as thousands of military voters will not even receive ballots in time to participate in the election. Senators John Cornyn R-TX, Kelly Ayotte R-NH, John McCain R-AZ, Rob Portman R-OH, and Marco Rubio R-FL, sent a letter to Defense Sec. Leon Panetta to express their concern over this matter. The Senators said they are “perplexed as to why DOD [has not done] everything its power” to fix the system of delivering and receiving overseas ballots.Among military voters, Gov. Mitt Romney leads Barack Obama by 40 points.

via Pentagon Disfranchises Thousands of Deployed Troops with Failure to Deliver Ballots.
