Greetings Regular Joes,

I’m working on some interesting observations regarding Qatar, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and others regarding oil, natural gas, politics, etc. I had hoped to have it done this weekend, but it didn’t happen. We have visitors here in about an hour and need to head out tomorrow, so it’ll likely be a couple of days before I can round it out.

Today we have an excellent interview with Lacy Hunt. His insights are familiar to us, affirming and downright maddening as well. Hopefully they’ll help you be better prepared as a result.

Kind regards,
Another Joe


There’s a belief among certain economists – and the wider population – that if the government takes a more active role in the economy, the social outcome can be improved. Dr. Lacy Hunt, executive VP of Hoisington Investment Management Company (HIMCO), says it’s a false belief… and he has proof to back it up. An unprecedented buildup of debt, he shows, can only lead to one outcome: a drop in Americans’ standard of living.

Many investors are so shell-shocked by the ongoing government meddling, cronyism and financial scandals that they have turned to “investments” with negative real interest rates. You can do much better than that – even in times of crisis. Listen to Lacy Hunt and 27 other renowned experts to find out where the opportunities lie in today’s politicized economy. Click for more details.

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