This is a very interesting article that supports much we’ve discussed in the past. Especially pertinent is the dwindling supply of silver coupled with the lopsided AG/Au ratio.

Another Joe

Steve St. Angelo


January 4, 2012 – 11:32am

For the first time in history, Silver Eagle & Maple Leaf sales will surpass domestic silver production in the U.S. and Canada in 2011

The demand for American Silver Eagles and Canadian Maple Leaf coins has increased tremendously over the past several years.  2011 will be the first year in which official coin sales will surpass domestic silver production in both countries.

Even though each country has seen declines in their domestic silver production over the past decade, U.S. silver production declined a whopping 30% yoy (year over year) in October.  According to the USGS in their most recent Silver Mineral Industry Survey, silver production fell to 81,400 kilograms in October— compared to 117,000 kilograms the same time last year.

via Silver Sales Up As Supply Slips |

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