By Terry Coxon, Casey Research 

In more normal times, the most tax-efficient approach would be to start with the high-tax assets and march them into the IRA one by one until the IRA is full. That would mean starting with cash and bonds. But if you take this publication seriously, you probably don’t own any bonds, and if you do own high-yield stocks, you probably don’t expect them to do nearly as well as precious metals. And for the foreseeable future, the yield on cash is going to be zero, so there is no tax to be saved by keeping it in an IRA – and it would be taking up valuable space.

So in today’s abnormal environment, the first assets to put into your IRA are the speculative investments that you expect to hold for less than one year. Next come precious metals. Then high-yield stocks. Only if there is still room would you move in stocks being held for long-term appreciation. READ MORE  Putting a Gleam in Your IRA – Casey Research.
